"If you like this kind of stuff, then this is the kind of stuff you will like" - Abraham Lincoln
Published Papers
[82] Nuruzzaman, N, Makarius, E. E., Mukherjee. D., & Gaur, A.S. 2024. MNCs’ Corporate Social Irresponsibility and Foreign Subsidiary Performance. Global Strategy Journal, Forthcoming.
[81] Singh, S., Gaur, A. S., & Singh, D. 2024. Blockchain-based Governance: Implications for Organizational Boundaries and Structures. British Journal of Management,
[80] Fuad, M., Gaur, A. S., & Pattnaik, C. 2023. Deal completion in cross border acquisition waves: The role of deal timing and pace. Global Strategy Journal, 13(4): 927-948.
[79] Gaur A.S., Settles, A., Väätänen, J. 2023. Do economic sanctions work? Evidence from the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Journal of Management Studies, 60(6): 1391-1414.
[78] Ciravegna, L., Ahlstrom, D., Michailova, S., Oh, C.H., Gaur, A. S. 2023. Exogenous shocks and MNEs: Learning from pandemics, conflicts, and other major disruptions. Journal of World Business, 58(6): 101487.
[77] Lee, H. S., Pattnaik, C., Gaur A.S. 2023. Internationalization of I-business firms: The role of distance on location choice. Journal of Business Research, 164: 114010.
[76] Meyer, K., Fang, T., Panibratov, A. Y., Peng, M., Gaur A.S. 2023. International Business under Sanctions. Journal of World Business, 58 (2): 101426.
[75] Mukherjee. D., Nuruzzaman, N, Gaur, A.S., Singh, D. 2023. Pro-market reforms and the outsourcing tradeoffs: evidence from the transition economies. International Business Review, 32(4): 102105.
[74] Witt, M., Lewin, A., Li, P.P., Gaur, A.S. 2023. Decoupling in international business: Evidence, drivers, impact, and implications for IB. Journal of World Business, 58(1): 101399.
[73] Andrews, D., Fainshmidt, S., Schotter, A. & Gaur, A. S. 2022. Formal Institutional Context in Global Strategy Research: A Layer Cake Perspective. Global Strategy Journal,
[72] Arora, P. & Gaur, A. S. 2022. Peer directors’ effort, firm efficiency and performance of diversified firms: an efficacy-based view of governance. Journal of Business Research,
[71] Panibratov, A., & Gaur, A. S. 2022. Political drivers of international divestments of Russian MNEs. BRICS Journal of Economics, 3(1): 5-25.
[70] Gaur, A. S., Pattnaik, C., Singh, D., Lee, J. Y. 2022. Societal trust, formal institutions and foreign subsidiary staffing. Journal of International Business Studies,
[69] Gaur, A. S., Malhotra, S., Zhu, P.. 2022. Institutional distance and ownership in foreign acquisitions. Journal of International Management, 28 (2): 100917.
[68] Tripathi, V. R., Popli, M., & Gaur, A. S. 2022. Spirituality meets science: Impact of founders’ imprint on healthcare practices for marginal communities in India. Journal of Business Research, 138: 311-323.
[67] Andrews, D., Fainshmidt, S., Gaur, A. S., & Parente, R. 2021. Configuring knowledge connectivity and strategy conditions for foreign subsidiary innovation. Long Range Planning, 55(1): 10
[66] Singh, D., & Gaur, A. S. 2021. Risk mitigation strategies in international B2B relationships: Role of institutions and governance.Journal of Business Research, 136: 1-9.
[65] Nuruzzaman, N., Gaur, A. S., & Sambharya, R. 2021. WTO accession and firm exports in developing countries. Journal of International Business Policy,
[64] Fainshmidt, S., Andrews, D., Gaur, A. S., & Schotter, A. 2021. Recalibrating management research for the post-COVID scientific enterprise. Journal of Management Studies, 58(5): 1416-1420.
[63] Sethuram, S., Taussig, M., & Gaur, A. S. 2021. A multiple agency view of venture capital investment duration: The role of institutions, foreignness, and alliances. Global Strategy Journal,
[62] Pattnaik, C., Singh, D., & Gaur, A. S. 2020. Home country learning and international expansion of emerging market multinationals. Journal of International Management, Article no: 100781.
[61] Tripathi, V. R., Popli, M., Ghulyani, S., Desai, S., & Gaur, A. S. 2020. Knowledge creation practices at organizational boundaries: the role of ICT in sickle-cell care for tribal communities. Journal of Knowledge Management,
[60] Kim, H-G., Gaur, A. S., Mukherjee, D. 2020. Added cultural distance and ownership in cross-border acquisitions. Cross Cultural & Strategic Management, DOI: 10.1108/CCSM-01-2020-0003.
[59] Kumar, V., Singh, D. Purkayashtha, A., Popli, M., Gaur, A. S. 2020. Springboard internationalization by emerging market firms: Speed of first cross-border acquisition. Journal of International Business Studies, 51: 172 - 193.
[58] Nuruzzaman, N., Singh, D., & Gaur, A. S. (equal authorship). 2020. Institutional support, hazards, and internationalization of emerging market firms. Global Strategy Journal, 10(2): 361-385.
[57] Cuervo-Cazurra, A., Doz, Y. & Gaur, A. S. 2020. Skepticism of Globalization and Global Strategy: Increasing Regulations and Countervailing Strategies. Global Strategy Journal, 10(1): 3-31.
[56] Gaur, A. S., Pattnaik, C., Singh, D., Lee, J. Y. 2019. Internalization advantage and subsidiary performance: the role of business group affiliation and host country characteristics. Journal of International Business Studies, 50(8): 1253-1282.
[55] Bhaumik, S., Driffield, N., Gaur, A. S., Mickiewicz, T., Valler, P. 2019. Corporate governance and MNE strategies in emerging economies. Journal of World Business, 54(4): 234-243.
[54] Cuervo-Cazurra, A., Gaur, A. S., Singh, D. (equal authorship) 2019. Pro-market institutions and global strategy: the pendulum of pro-market reforms and reversals. Journal of International Business Studies, 50 (4): 598-632.
[53] Singh D, Pattnaik C, Lee JY, Gaur A.S. 2019. Subsidiary staffing, cultural friction, and subsidiary performance: Evidence from Korean subsidiaries in 63 countries. Human Resource Management, 58(2): 219-234.
[52] Nuruzzaman, N., Gaur, A. S., & Sambharya, R. 2019. A microfoundations approach to studying innovation in multinational subsidiaries. Global Strategy Journal, 9(1): 92-116. doi: 10.1002/gsj.1202
[51] Gaur, A. S., Ghosh, K., Zheng, Q. 2019. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) in Asian firms: a strategic choice perspective of ethics and compliance management. Journal of Asia Business Studies, 13 (4): 633-655.
[50] Gaur, A. S., Ma, H., Ge, B. 2019. MNC strategy, knowledge transfer context and knowledge flow in MNEs. Journal of Knowledge Management, 23(9): 1885-1900.
[49] Fuad, M. & Gaur, A. S. 2019. Merger waves, entry-timing, and cross-border acquisition completion: A frictional lens perspective. Journal of World Business, 54(2): 107-118.
[48] Kumar, V., Gaur, A. S., Zhan, W., Luo, Yadong. 2019. Co-evolution of MNCs and local competitors in emerging markets. International Business Review, 28(5), 101527.
[47] Mukherjee. D., Lahiri, S., Ash, S.R., & Gaur, A.S. 2019. Search motives, local embeddedness and knowledge outcomes in offshoring. Journal of Business Research, 103: 365-375, doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2017.10.035
[46] Yiu, D. W., Lam, L. W., Gaur, A. S., Lee, S., & Wong, C. S. 2018. Asian relevance, global impact: Asian management research entering a new era. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 35 (3): 565-571.
[45] Pattnaik, C., Lu, Q., & Gaur, A. S. (equal authorship) 2018. Group affiliation and entry barriers: The dark side of business groups in emerging markets. Journal of Business Ethics, 153 (4): 1051-1066.
[44] Gaur, A. S., Ma, X., & Ding, Z. 2018. Home country supportiveness/ unfavorableness and Outward Foreign Direct Investment from China. Journal of International Business Studies, 49(3): 324-345.
[43] Gaur, A. S., & Kumar, M. 2018. A systematic approach to conducting review studies: An assessment of content analysis in 25 years of IB research. Journal of World Business, 53(2): 280-289. doi: 10.1016/j.jwb.2017.11.003
[42] Singh, D., Pattnaik, C., Gaur, A. S., & Ketencioglu, E. 2018. Corporate expansion during pro-market reforms in emerging markets: The contingent value of group affiliation and unrelated diversification. Journal of Business Research, 82: 220-229. doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2017.09.043
[41] Popli, M., Ladkani, R. M., & Gaur, A. S. 2017. Business group affiliation and post-acquisition performance: An extended resource-based view. Journal of Business Research, 81: 21-30.
[40] Piepenbrink, A., & Gaur, A. S. 2017. Topic models as a novel approach to identify themes in content analysis. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, 2017.
[39] Popli, M., Akbar, M., Kumar, V., & Gaur, A. S. 2017. Performance effect of internationalization and entrainment with pro-market reforms. Global Strategy Journal, 7(4): 354-374. doi: 10.1002/gsj.1160
[38] Schotter, A., Mudambi, R., Doz, Y., & Gaur, A. S. 2017. Boundary spanning in global organizations. Journal of Management Studies, 54(4): 403-421, doi: 10.1111/joms.12256
[37] Lee, C., Y., Lee, J., H., & Gaur, A. S. 2017. Are large business groups conducive to industry innovation? The moderating role of technological appropriability. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 34(2): 313-337. doi:10.1007/s10490-016-9481-0.
[36] Contractor, F., Yong, Y., Gaur, A. S. 2016. Firm-specific intangible assets and subsidiary profitability: The moderating role of distance, ownership strategy and subsidiary experience. Journal of World Business, 51(6): 950-964.
[35] Gaur, A. S., Pattanaik, C., Lee, J. Y., & Singh, D. 2016. The network advantage of MNCs and business groups and foreign subsidiary performance. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, 2016.
[34] Popli, M., Akbar, M., Kumar, V., & Gaur, A. S. 2016. Cultural friction and the role of effective cultural distance in cross-border M&A deal abandonment. Journal of World Business, 51(3): 404-412
[33] Anderson, U., Gaur, A. S., Mudambi, R., & Persson, M. 2015. Unpacking inter-unit knowledge transfer in multinational enterprises. Global Strategy Journal, 5(3): 241-255.
[32] Gaur, A. S. & Delios, A. 2015. International diversification of emerging market firms: The role of ownership structure and group affiliation. Management International Review, 55(2): 235-253.
[31] Gaur, A. S., Ma, X., & Ding, Z. 2014. Perceived Home Country Supportiveness/Unfavorableness and Emerging Market Firms’ Outward FDI. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, 2014.
[30] Malhotra, S. & Gaur, A. S. (equal authorship). 2014. Spatial geography and control in foreign acquisitions. Journal of International Business Studies, 45 (2): 191-210.
[29] Li, S., & Gaur, A. S. 2014. Financial giants and moral pygmies? Multinational corporations and human rights in emerging markets. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 9 (1): 11-32.
[28] Gaur A. S., Kumar, V. & Singh, D. A. (equal authorship) 2014. Institutions, resources and internationalization process of emerging economy firms. Journal of World Business, 49: 12-20.
[27] Singh, D., & Gaur, A. S. 2013. Governance Structure, innovation, and internationalization: Evidence from India. Journal of International Management, 19(3): 300-309.
[26] Mukherjee, D., Gaur, A. S., & Dutta, A. 2013. Creating value through offshore outsourcing: A resource management framework. Journal of International Management, 19 (4): 377-389.
[25] Mukherjee, D., Gaur, A. S., Gaur, S. S., & Schmid, F. 2013. External and internal influences on R&D alliance formation: Evidence from German SMEs, Journal of Business Research, 66(11): 2178-2185.
[24] Contractor, F., Yang, Y., & Gaur, A. S. 2013. Firm-specific intangible assets and subsidiary profitability: The moderating role of distance. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, 2013.
[23] Piepenbrink, A., & Gaur, A. S. 2013. Methodological advances in the analysis of two-mode networks – An Illustration using board interlocks of Indian business groups. Organizational Research Methods, 16 (3): 474-496.
[22] Lee, J-H. & Gaur, A. S. (equal authorship) 2013. Managing multi-business firms: A Comparison between Korean Chaebols and Diversified US firms. Journal of World Business, 48 (4): 443-454.
[20] Kumar, V., Gaur, A. S., & Pattnaik, C. 2012. Product diversification and international expansion of business groups: Evidence from India. Management International Review, 52 (2): 175-192.
[16] Gaur S. S., Vasudevan, H., & Gaur, A. S. 2011. Effect of market orientation on manufacturing performance: Moderating role of firm resources and environmental factors. European Journal of Marketing, 45(7/8): 1172-1193.
[8] Delios, A., Gaur, A. S. & Makino, S. (equal contribution) 2008. The timing of international expansion: Information, rivalry, and imitation among Japanese firms, 1980-2002. Journal of Management Studies, 45: 169-195.
[6] Gaur, A. S. & Lu, J. 2007. Ownership strategies and subsidiary performance: Impacts of institutions and experience. Journal of Management, 33 (1): 84-110.
[4] Gaur, A. S. 2007. Strategic adaptation during institutional transition. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, 2007.
Before 2006
[3] Gaur, A. S. 2006. Changing demands of leadership in new economy: A survey of Indian leaders. IIM B Management Review, 18: 149-158.
[2] Gaur, A. S. & Delios, A. 2006. Business group affiliation and firm performance during institutional transition.Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, 2006.
[1] Gaur, A. S., Delios, A., & Singh, K. 2005. Institutional environments, staffing strategies and subsidiary performance: lessons from Japanese MNCs. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, 2005.